About us
Knebworth Community Chorus is a locally-based choir originally set up to perform in the 2010 Knebworth Village Festival. Since then, the choir has performed regularly under the direction of Musical Director, Derek Harrison, who leads the Chorus in its rehearsals and concert performances. KCC is constituted as a Society and is a member of Making Music.
See below for our Safeguarding Policy
Knebworth Community Chorus – safeguarding policy
Knebworth Community Chorus (KCC) is a community voluntary group committed to improving and maintaining public education in and appreciation of music. Membership is open to everyone.
We believe that a child, young person or adult at risk should never experience abuse of any kind and recognise that we have a responsibility to promote their welfare. We are committed to safeguarding everyone involved in our activities and protecting them from harm.
This policy applies to everyone involved with KCC’s activities. It explains the principles guiding our approach to the protection of vulnerable people. It is intended to help us safeguard everyone involved with our activities, ensure we all understand and accept our responsibility to do so, and make sure that such safeguarding is considered in everything we do. This policy is reviewed every year.
Ways of working
We hold regular rehearsals for members, and public concerts. Our involvement with vulnerable people might include those attending rehearsals or concerts, relatives and friends, volunteers, and audience members.
Named safeguarding officer. Allyson Pascoe has responsibility for safeguarding issues. Any queries or concerns should be raised with her in the first instance. Allyson will be involved in all our activities that may involve vulnerable people.
Vulnerable people include children under 16 or young people aged up to 18. They also include any adult with reduced capacity, a disability of any sort, or a physical or mental illness. However, anyone could potentially be at risk of behaviour that may rise to a safeguarding concern.
KCC does not organise activities or events where it will be responsible for vulnerable people. Where children, young adults or vulnerable adults are or would like to be involved in our activities we will ensure that appropriate consideration is given beforehand to safeguarding. Children and young people will remain under the care of their parent or guardian. We are committed to enabling people to participate in our activities and will make special arrangements for vulnerable people where possible.
Raising a concern
If anyone involved with KCC witnesses, suspects or is informed of a safeguarding concern they should immediately report it to the safeguarding officer. If that person is not available, or is connected with the issue causing concern, it should be reported instead to the Musical Director or committee chair.
The person with whom a concern is raised will make a decision based on the immediacy of the concern. They will consider, in particular, whether (a) a vulnerable person is in immediate danger or needs emergency medical or other attention and (b) the involvement in our activities of any person giving rise to a concern should be ended.
In every case, the person with whom a concern is raised must make a note of it as soon as possible and refer it to the KCC committee (excluding anyone involved in the issue of concern). The committee will consider, in particular, whether there is any need to escalate a concern to the authorities or whether any internal action is needed. That might include investigating the concern, speaking to those involved, and deciding on any next steps (e.g., about limiting future involvement in KCC’s activities). All decisions will be taken in the best interests of anyone affected by inappropriate behaviour and of KCC.
Adopted on 10 July 2024